Monday, November 23, 2009

Know About the Best Thinkpad Laptop Models

IBM introduced ThinkPad in 1992 and later Lenovo was able to purchase this division and started production of different models of ThinkPad. Since many years ThinkPads have revolutionized the use of consumers with sleek designs, mobility and performance.

The standard of ThinkPad in general has features such as Magnesium-alloy chassis, carbon fiber reinforced plastic, lower price, rubber cushion, safety for consumers etc. The series of ThinkPad based on the category can be classified as Budget - ThinkPad R Series, ThinkPad SL Series for Small Business, ThinkPad T Series for Performance, ThinkPad X Series for Ultra portability, ThinkPad X Series as Tablet and ThinkPad W Series as workstation.

Consumers always have different points of views and have given review of different series according to their use. SL series models are considered best for the use and Lenovo ThinkPad T400, Lenovo Idea Pad Y550, T61, x61s, x200 series etc. are hot in the market. The ratings or review one can give about any ThinkPad will depend on the factors such as: Battery life of the ThinkPad, Storage capacity, Virtual memory size, Screen size, video resolution, Quality of Audio output, Available compatibility to plug other additional electronic devices and connectivity ports.

The new available models mentioned above are all consistent in performance with good designs but their storage capacity may vary. The advantage of using ThinkPad laptop is the mobility and portability to carry your data and work wherever you go. This concept has revolutionized the workplaces of many company and also allowed other fields like marketing to be conducted with more ease.

If you are trying to purchase a good ThinkPad laptop then first you need to consider your use and based on that you can go for a particular series models. The next comes all the available models in a particular series and based on your budget and requirements you can then select one of the best laptop models in the market.

Check our website for more on Thinkpad Laptops and ThinkPad Laptop Accessories.

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Mobile Storage

Who would have though a decade ago that a device meant primarily to communicate with others would need gigabytes of storage? Yet storage has become an important consideration on mobile phones today, and many offer as much as 32GB of storage!

Mobiles nowadays perform more functions than just making voice calls. For many it is becoming their connection to their data on the go. It is their personal computing platform while on the go!

A typical mobile, not even a smartphone, can now play back music and video files, capture images and video and can often even run simple Java applications. All function which a 15 years ago were even computers struggled to do!

Now when you're on the move you'll prefer to have some of you music and video collection along in case you get bored, or perhaps you might play a game. You might even like to capture images and video of interesting places or events. All of these need space, and as the capabilities of mobile phones increase, they will only require more and more space to utilize properly.

If you have a feature Mobile Phones, chances are your memory will be quite low and probably insufficient to utilize your phones multimedia capabilities. In this case you might find it useful to install additional memory in the form of an SD or MMC card, which are quite cheap nowadays, can chances are you will be able to expand your phones memory by as much as 2 to 16GB!

John Wells provides you the best and latest information on Free Classified ads and Motherboards.He suggests you log on to
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Monday, September 28, 2009

Children And Technology

Children And Technology
By []Katie Franklin

When to Start?

By the time your child is a toddler, he has probably figured out how to turn on the television, DVD player, and your home computer, and imitates you by banging on the keyboard. Toddlers love to "talk" on the telephone and point the remote control at anything, and can't escape the flood of technology that is present in our society today. Since you cannot keep this technology from young children, how do you go about teaching your children how to use it? What age is appropriate for teaching children about technology, and what are the benefits?

Infants and Toddlers

There is an abundance of technological toys available for even the youngest of children, including interactive language-teaching tools, but they may not be developmentally appropriate for the younger-than-pre-school set. In fact, the

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) reports that "while a market for computer software designed specifically for toddlers and young children continues to grow, little is known about the actual impact of this new technology on children's developing minds and bodies." While it probably doesn't hurt to expose your child to safe technological toys, as a parent, you should consider whether there is any real benefit to replacing your reading to and talking to your little one with technology. Because human interaction is crucial, and you need to assist your child in developing his social skills, technology may be inappropriate at this age.

Three to Eight Year Olds

As children get older, though, parents should think of technology as a tool, one in an array of learning materials that children may use, but that parents control. Remind your child that there are many benefits to technology, but that, without active human participation, the benefits are negligible.

Determine the difference in active learning, in which a child interacts with software, and passive learning, in which children are presented with the on-screen equivalent of a fill-in-the-blank worksheet. Technology that encourages active learning is much more likely to teach children new skills.

The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), offers some excellent suggestions for determining what software is good for children. If the software "uses pictures and spoken instructions rather than written ones so that children will not need to ask for help, [allows] children [to] control the level of difficulty, the pace and direction of the program," and "children receive quick feedback, so they stay interested," then you've likely found a suitable program that will engage your children and build their computer literacy and verbal literacy skills. Look for software that encourages children to use their imagination and that appeals to their sense of sight and sound.

Keep a Balance

Because you are a parent, you are your child's first teacher, and you have a great deal of influence over what your child learns. Stay involved in the sorts of computer activities in which your child participates. There are many websites out there designed for children, and many of them have superb learning games that keep children engaged and sharpen their skills.

Technology should be part of a balance, though, of a larger learning environment. While your child will enter an academic and work world in which technology is an integral part, and he should be exposed to technology as part of his education, don't let technology use come at the expense of reading, social interaction, and physical exercise.

Katie Franklin is a researcher and writer on parenting, children and child development. She is a regular contributor at []Child Development Media Inc She also contributes at []Quality Toys and Hobbies

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Your Computer is Smarter than You

Your Computer is Smarter than You
By []Rayman L

It used to be said that humans were the most intelligent beings on Earth. I guess, to some degree, that’s probably still true. There aren’t a lot of other creatures that can find a way to travel vast distances, create a variable economy, and get rid of their waste (all at the same time).

All of humanity can marvel in our genius- we have solved problems that no one would have ever believed to be possible. We have explored the stars and created something from nothing. It’s safe to say that we’re pretty darn smart.

But there’s a problem: we created the computer, and the computer is now smarter than we are. Before you recoil in disgust, think for a second about why I’m saying this. Sit back, and try and remember everything that you did last week, the times that you did them, and everything that happened while you were doing them.

Can’t remember all of that? Your computer can, and it does so with ease. It also stores music, movies, and can even play nearly any game you want it to on command.

Do you remember all of the words to every single song in your music library? Can you recite them all?

So why am I asking you all of these relatively trivial questions? Well, to put it nicely, I’m showing you how your computer is more intelligent than you. The sad thing is that we created this device, and now we depend on it for nearly every calculation, problem, or miniscule task that we will need to solve.

The computer has also got us duped- even though its existence is a product of our design, our reliance is a result of its capability. In essence, we don’t own the computer. The computer owns us.

Don’t fret- I know a way that we can break our reliance on these machines!

1. First, you need to turn off your computer monitor. Once your monitor is off, turn off all of the lights in the room and leave. This will force the computer to enter hibernation mode after you’ve left it alone for a little while.

2. Go to your kitchen and make yourself a nice healthy salad with a grilled chicken breast. Give yourself some extra credit if you are able to do this without looking up recipes on the internet.

3. Walk, run, or bike to the nearest bookstore or library. Give yourself a hand if you get there without huffing and puffing. Once you’re at the bookstore or library, have a look around and see if there are any books that catch your attention.

4. Purchase or rent said book and make some time to read it. Don’t stop halfway through if it gets boring. Read the whole book, cover to cover.

Following those four steps will help you begin the gradual separation from your computer. Though your computer will always be able to store more information, you’ll never lose the upper hand: you can simply choose to stop using the darn thing.

Rayman L is a travel and technology enthusiast. He runs multiple web information sites based on travel, []digital slrs and []gadgets reviews. His latest site is

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Science and Technology in India

Science and Technology in India
By []Sam James

The progress made in the field of Science and Technology in India today is enviable. The architect, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru had a vision, not merely of scientists and of laboratories, but of the broader horizons and its social relevance; of the unity between the community of scientists and scientific needs of the community and of the transformation functions of science in society.

We have laid much emphasis on the development of science and technology as a major instrument for achieving national goals of self-reliance and socioeconomic progress. The Scientific Policy Resolution adopted by our Parliament on March 4, 1958 laid stress on Government responsibility to secure for the people, the benefits from acquisition of scientific knowledge and practical application of research. The policy of the Government, is to encourage individuals and collective initiative for dissemination of knowledge and faster programmed to train scientific personnel to fulfill country's needs in the diverse fields of agriculture, industry defense, education, space, information technology oceanography etc.

The contributions in scientific and technological research have induced a phenomenal transformation in Indian agriculture from subsistence level into commercial farming. India occupies a premier position amongst the oilseed producing countries of the world. Research efforts have been intensified to bring out crop varieties tolerant to drought conditions, resistant to pests and diseased and responsive to the use of agriculture, its capacity to withstand droughts and natural calamities and the near attainment of the goal of food self sufficiency by the country are the tributes to the untiring efforts of the agricultural scientists as well as millions of farmers with progressing thought.

Over the years, a strong science and technology infrastructure base has been established in our country. This covers a chain of national laboratories, specialized centers, various research and development and academic institutions training centers, etc., which continuously provide expertise, technically trained man power and technological support to industry. The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research with its network of laboratories and research institutions is a major instrument of scientific and industrial research under state auspices and supports research in universities and other centers of learning.

Telecommunications is a critical part of infrastructure and one that is becoming important, given the trend of globalization and the shift to a knowledge based economy. Until 1994, telecommunication services under government monopoly made tardy progress. Although telecommunication expanded fairly rapidly, under this arrangement, it was recognized that capacities must expand much more rapidly and competition also be introduced to improve the quality of services and encourage induction of new technology. Telecommunication has become especially important in recent years because of the enormous growth of information technology and its potential impact on rest of the economy. India is perceived to have a special comparative advantage in information technology or in IT enabled services, both of which depend critically on high quality. Telecommunication has also become extremely important for a wide range of rural activities and this importance will only increase as the process of diversification of rural economic opportunities gains momentum. Universal service obligation must therefore, be insisted upon for all providers of telecom services.

India has joined a select club of six advanced countries with the Pune based Center for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) developing the country's first super compute "Param". The indigenous built 64 NODEC super computer is capable of reaching peak power of 100 mega flops. Param promises the creating of a seamless computing platform for super computing at an affordable price in the international context.

India recognized the importance of atomic energy quite early and the Atomic Energy Commission was set up in August 1948 to look after atomic energy activities in the country. India today is the seventh country in the world and the first developing nation to have the distinction of mastering fast breeder technology.

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is responsible for the planning, execution and management of space research activities. The ISRO, which has its head quarters in Bangalore, provides rockets and laboratory facilities to scientists belonging to different organizations in India for conducting approved space science experiments. The Indian Remote Sensing Satellites have helped in extensive mapping of our natural resources and voluminous data generated through these are used in a variety of fields. Even the developed countries including the U.S. have started buying the data collected by the IRS. It is a matter of pride that India became the 14th nation in the world on April 3, 1984 to have sent a man into space. Rakesh Sharma, was India's first man in space. Similarly, Dr. Kalpana Chawla, an Indian American woman became the first Indian woman to go into the space on November 19, 1997 on a 16 day mission on NASA, Columbia shuttle as a Mission Specialist of study the outer atmosphere of the Sun. Unfortunately, she died on a latter mission on her return to earth.

Technology is used as a tool to give India a competitive position in the new global economy. For example, Indian exports today derive their comparative advantage through resources and labor rather than differentiation and, technology. Therefore, major thrust is being given to increasing India's share in high-tech products, deriving value from technology - led exports and export of technology. Full articulation of research is being given into various policies and programmed covering economics, energy and other socioeconomic sectors.

Sam James is a freelance writer and has written content for several web & print media projects. []Sample Question Papers []Kids Science Articles

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Teens and Technology

Teens and Technology
By []Satyendra N Mishra

Teens and their parents often like to use the same types of technology and use them with the same frequency. However, teens are far more likely to say that they think the technology that both they and their parents use has helped to make their own lives much easier. While the general consensus of both teens and parents is that technology has helped make modern life more manageable, 18% fewer parents would agree than their teens. Additionally, even though most parents would say that the internet is good for their teens, there has been an increase every year in the number of parents who think the internet is harmful since 2004.

In many families, lots of rules revolve around the internet and most of them are regarding what their children can do on the internet and not how much time they spend on the internet. It seems that having children affects how much you use the internet and other related technologies. The percentage of parents who use the internet versus the percentage of other adults who use the internet is higher. Parents who regularly use the internet have teenage children who regularly use the internet.

Another trend between teens and parents in that in a household, a teen will likely own the same number of gadgets as the parents, but they will often be different kinds of devices. An example of this trend is that the most commonly owned electronic device by parents is the cell phone followed by the desktop computer and with teens it is the exact mirror, with desktop computers being more popular than cell phones. The one kind of technology that teens are more likely to own that their parents is an MP3 Player or iPod. This indicates an interesting trend that parents who buy more expensive and fancy technology and electronic devices for themselves do not tend to buy equally nice and expensive technological devices for their children. As our world changes and more and more technologies are discovered the technological gap between generations will decrease in size. It is debatable whether technology has made our lives easier, but many would agree that now that we have technology, it is impossible to live with out it.

Satyendra is a professional freelancer writers writing website contents and articles for both the public and private sector companies offline and online.

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Friday, July 17, 2009

How to Protect Your Computer From Malware and Other Online Threats

How to Protect Your Computer From Malware and Other Online ThreatsBy []Paul Morton Langham
Spyware are computer software that collects information from your computer without your consent. The phrase spyware is often used interchangeably with adware and was first mentioned as far back as 1995 when the problem first started to arise. Adware, is software which displays advertisements to you on your PC screen. The two terms are collectively known as malware.
Personal information is obtained from you through a variety of means, like adware, spyware, key loggers, Trojans, active X configurations, scum ware, dialers, malware, parasites, toolbars, drive by download, tracking cookies, spyware registry keys , browser hijackers and BHO`s or by reading fields on your hard drive.
The spread of this malicious behavior - adware spyware - on the part of the few has led to the creation an entire industry which attempts to combat the practice. Adware spyware is a serious thing which can do you personally great damage and you should run software on your machine to guard against protect against possible invasions of your privacy and disruption to your PC.
Take this advice. Anyone, repeat anyone, who surfs the internet or has goes on-line is exposed to adware spyware -trust me you won't even realize that you are on most occasions - and should run some software on their PC to disinfect and protect against the issue. Check out the many available spyware protection resources available on my site.
What should a typical adware spyware protection free download be capable of doing?
The ultimate object of software is to locate, delete and remove all types of spyware. In essence, the objective is to cleanse and then protect your PC.
First and foremost your adware spyware software should be capable of running on a timed scheduler, or as a real-time blocking tool. Protection need sto cater for every eventuality so should include rollback and restore facilities and be capable of categorizing by severity the spyware or adware found on your machine.
If you find a product which does not deal with the above, then click on to the next one!
More functionality
These days any respectable company marketing adware spyware software on the internet should offer you an extensive FAQ, even an interactive knowledge base email and telephone support. If a company cannot offer you at least a good FAQ and email support then pass again.
The adware spyware threat and protect your PC in general from infiltration - how seriously should you take it?
A Spyware Protection survey carried out in 2004 by AOL they concluded that 80% of PC's contained some sort of adware spyware, more recently in 2006 Microsoft declared that over 90% of personal compters connected to the internet are infected with some sort of adware spyware, dialers or the like. This means that you need protection. if you don't get it, it will just be a matter of time before you suffer the consequences of an attack on your privacy and your own personal information.
How to spot Spyware?
Adware spyware, unlike a virus does not self replicate, you cannot send adware spyware to a friend or colleague via email. The methods of seeding the infiltrating vindictive spyware is normally surreptitiously downloaded from a web site you visit with out your knowledge. Protection software will block the downloading of malicious spyware in real time and keep your PC safe
Adware Spyware software - get it now with a free download.
If you or your children surf the internet or are on-line then your PC is at risk and you need Adware Spyware Protection. Even if you do not know whether or not your machine has been infected the chances are that it is. Do not be fooled into thinking Adware Spyware will not arrive on your PC it will and what's more you won't know that it is there. So do not delay any longer, get yourself a good and reliable package to clean up your PC and protect yourself on line.
Paul Langham runs a review website dedicated to the latest trends and approaches in combating Adware and Spyware.
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The Mobile Society and E-everything

The Mobile Society and E-everythingBy []EM Beck
Ongoing debates about cyberspace and e-commerce (EC) have suggested that the online world will somehow always be dramatically different from life in the analog world.
The advent of the early Arpanet/Internet was often characterized as a void that was impersonal and immaterial. It is true that as e-commerce continues to mature, national boarders become less meaningful, and the specific location of individuals and businesses do not matter that much anymore. It also is true that we are now seeing blogs, forums, discussion groups, social networks, and other influences emerging to re-socialize and form new e-tribal experiences on the Internet.
Technology is the great equalizer and almost always makes up for any lack and the supposed weakening of social structure. New technology always is eventually accepted and becomes an essential part of the fabric of society itself.
It seems that every day we are increasingly connected via interactive technologies - mobile phones, email, instant messaging - and these technologies are becoming more and more interconnected. Our society is transforming itself where the action of interaction is in itself mobile by its nature.
Even as we communicate on our cell phones, whether speaking, text messaging, or sending and receiving email or photos, we are also “mobile” in the sense that we can move freely while being in constant communication.
The issues of a mobile society, mobile computing, or other aspects of a ubiquitous society have often been deemed as sterile and seemingly lacking of the human element, a realm reserved only for savvy geeks, engineers and academics.
Accessibility to emerging technology has changed the notion that only technical elites or "wireless road warriors" can conduct business without a fixed base, operating from cell phones, PDAs, laptop computers, and wireless connections with little regard to traditional office essentials.
The reality is that “E-everything” is no longer a fad, nor even a trend, but now an important and accepted style of living and doing business both online and offline.
Michael Beck writes on marketing and business issues related to: Small Office & Home Office / Technology & Telecommunications / Product Reviews & Resources for The SOHO Online Professional. You can learn more by visiting these blogs: and
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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Resolving the Antivirus Issue

Resolving the Antivirus Issue
By []Jake Foster

The use of information technology has resulted in lots of innovation in the recent past. Due to these innovations the pace of life has become much faster. There are many companies in this world which are producing the soft ware stuff to support an efficient working environment not only for offices but also for individuals. These companies are producing soft wares which make working in an office easier. These soft wares are the specially written programs which can improve the efficiency of your work a whole lot. The soft wares are a very intelligent creation. These are some of the benefits of science and technology. But as there are benefits of using scientific techniques, there are many disadvantages as well. The evil genius minds create viruses which may be very damaging for the other soft wares in a computer. The viruses are the programs which are written and spread for the purpose of affecting the performance of the soft wares and the computer systems in general. The presence of such viruses may reduce the speed with which a computer works. It may also reduce the efficiency. Viruses are a major problem and antivirus is the solution to this problem.

Antivirus are those programs which are created with the sole purpose of detecting viruses present in a system and to block them. These antivirus programs are installed in a system to deny the viruses to access and enter the systems. There are many kinds of viruses. These viruses enter the computer systems and damage them. Antivirus technology can help the people to save their computer systems from the virus attacks. Antivirus solutions are made by many companies which are working in the field of producing soft wares and programs. This technology is capable enough to stop the viruses from attacking the computers. Many viruses enter a system from the internet. To tackle such viruses an antivirus technology is used which can keep the computer safe from such viruses. Similarly, these companies produce antivirus programs for all types of viruses. The antivirus not only detects the already existing viruses but they are also made to inform the user about any other possible virus attack. In today’s world of computer and technology antivirus is some thing very important.

In this scenario the use of computers and information technology related stuff is on a rise. Viruses are being made and released on the internet and the soft ware companies are producing antivirus programs which are being installed in the systems to protect them from viruses. There are many companies which are competing in this field. All of these companies produce antivirus which most often are good. Some antivirus programs are better than the other. If you want to save your computer form viruses, you must choose and use an appropriate antivirus. An antivirus can protect your computer.

Jake Foster writes []Anti Virus Articles for []SX Security Resources. Find more articles like this one at our website.

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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Why Asus Laptop Computers Are Great

Asus laptop computers are great for anyone that is looking to buy a new computer. There are several reasons as to why this is true. The first reason as to why this is true is because it has an enormous hard drive. The fact of the matter is that almost no other laptop computer has a hard drive as large as the one in the Asus Computers. This large hard drive allows you to surf the Internet at blazing fast speeds. Most people do not realize the advantages of having a larger hard drive.
One of the major advantages of having a larger hard drive is that it provides you with tons of space to store your media files. The fact of the matter is that on other laptops you will often run out of space to store your media files. On an Asus laptop computer, you will never run out of space to store your media files. This large hard drive also allows you to upload your media files at blazing fast speeds.
If you like watching videos on the Internet then Asus Laptop computers will be great for you. Asus laptop computers are specifically designed to help people watch movies on the Internet. Their enormous hard drives and blazing fast processor allows people to watch videos at ridiculously fast speeds. Most people do not realize that the best computers on the face of the earth always come from Asus. If you want to purchase a great laptop computer then you should consider purchasing an Asus laptop computer today.
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Help My Computer is Obsolete!

What Makes a Computer Obsolete? The answer to this question will entirely depend on who you ask. Some will tell you that your computer is obsolete the second you remove it from the store, since newer models reach store shelves regularly. Although this thought was a prevailing one years ago, most consumers now know that this is not the case and some argue for extended use of computers.

You may need to think about a new computer if:

Your processor speed is too slow to manage the operating system you wish to run. Speedier processors will enable basic tasks, like surfing the Internet, word processing, and email.
Your RAM is slowing you down. Most current operating systems require a minimum of 1 GB of RAM; Vista needs 2 GB.
Your operating system limits your use of newer programs, if you require those newer programs. The error "Operating System not supported." will let you know that you've reached this point. If you do want one or more programs that are not supported by your operating system, it may be time to upgrade.
You want to use USB peripherals and your computer doesn't have USB ports.
You want to use the Internet or you require wireless connectivity and your current machine does not have these capabilities.
There is No Such Thing as Obsolete There a group of computer users who claim that there is no such thing as an obsolete machine. Machines that are running low on memory or RAM can be upgraded. If your needs are limited to word processing, simple games, and email, there are a wide range of machines that can effectively serve your needs. Just because increasing power is available, does not mean that your needs will be better served by investing in that power.

If your computer is only a few years old and is slowing down, there are upgrades that can keep you current:

Consider increasing your RAM. Most computers are sold with extra slots available for RAM. If your complaint is that your machine is slow, increasing the RAM is an inexpensive and easy way to increase its speed.
Update your security software and ensure that there are no viruses present on your machine. Operating systems and peripherals need to have their software updated regularly too. Think about it like getting an oil change for your car: your machine will run smoother and faster after these updates.
Space is at a premium on your computer. Consider a cleanup of old files. Store files that are important on CDs, DVDs, and other storage devices. Or invest in a new hard drive; with hard drives dropping in price, this is another easy fix for your computing woes.

ITXchange is the world's largest Secondary Market Computer Distributor. Contact ITXchange for information on the Lenovo Options Continuation Program.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The First Step to a Successful Computer Project - Put Fashion in the Back Seat

The First Step to a Successful Computer Project - Put Fashion in the Back SeatBy []Bonnie Huval
To survive, your company needs a step-change improvement in its efficiency and productivity. Top management has decided upgrading the computer system is the ticket to that improvement--the company will scrimp elsewhere to fund it--and you are in charge of making it happen. The big boss says to bring in the latest and greatest.
Where should you start? By looking up reviews and ratings to find out which hardware and software are the best?
Sure, if you want an expensive failure. Maybe it will run, but it's likely to make everybody's lives miserable for years upon years instead of making the business run smoother.
Start by looking at the business. Determine what it needs to do--look hard, not just once over. Then look for the computer system best suited to helping accomplish it.
A Simple Example
Many years ago, when DOS was new and CP/M was popular, my mother's master's thesis required retyping a zillion times. My father decided to buy one of those new-fangled desktop computers so she could write her dissertation with a word processor. So far, so good.
But my parents thought they could take a short cut. During our next visit, they told me about this plan, then said, "So, which computer should we buy?"
I refused to name any. I told them to visit computer stores and "test drive" word processing programs. At the time, the programs worked very differently. Some used key combinations to embed formatting commands. Others used special syntax to distinguish formatting from text. My mother is a touch typist and had unusual word processing needs, so those differences would matter. When they found the program she liked best, then they should ask what machines could run it and buy one of those. My parents were... let's just say they were not happy with me.
I wouldn't budge, so they went to computer stores in the big city.
My mother's specialty is medieval British literature. Modern English does not have some of the alphabetic characters the language used to have. The missing characters are represented now by striking one modern letter and overstriking at a half-width offset with another modern letter. Back then, none of the word processing programs could do that. WordPerfect could be modified appropriately. Only two combinations of computer and printer were available that could run it.
They bought one and it did exactly what my mother needed.
Even Big Companies Can Do It Wrong
I have seen Fortune 500 companies make mistakes a lot like the one my parents escaped. The most common are:
Putting in a computer system to simply do everything the same way it was done before, with the new computer system involved wherever possible.Getting a computer system that a sales agent says will do everything they need, but that does not really fit, and then forcing the business to fit computer system.
Either mistake is costly. The first costs money to put in the new computer system, but misses the opportunity to make workflow more effective. It happens too easily because people who understand the flow of work in a business rarely understand what a computer could and could not handle. My mother did not realize overstriking with an offset of half a width might be almost impossible for word processors when it was easy on her typewriter.
The second mistake is worse. After costing money to buy the new system, the business has to distort its procedures to suit the convenience of a software vendor (typically at the expense of effectiveness). Productivity can actually decline!
Doing It Right for Your Business
You will not make these mistakes and others similar to them if you begin by getting a clear understanding of not just how your business is doing everything now, but what it really needs to do. Like my parents, you need to understand that thoroughly, not just at a surface level. Small details like the characters that are no longer part of English can be important.
Walk through what shop floor operators do to make your product, or what forklift drivers to do to load your trucks, or what agents do to start a new insurance policy for a customer--whatever your business does. Find the bottlenecks. Walk through revised versions of your business procedures until the new workflow is the way you want it and you know exactly what you want a computer system to do in that workflow.
Then, and only then, it is time to look at the hardware and software available, because at last you know what you want it to do. You are no longer an easy mark for a polished sales pitch. Instead, you will look at what the available systems can do with an eye toward how well that suits the ideal new workflow. You might find, as my parents did, that you have a choice between the latest and greatest, or something older with a solid track record that can do the same job at half the cost. Also like my parents, you might find that nothing on the market is a perfect match, but something you can buy "off the shelf" can be readily tailored to fit well enough without the need for entirely custom software.
Be driven by what your company really needs, not by the latest fashion, and your project can be a great success!
About the author: Bonnie D. Huval has been a consultant since 1992, helping companies make more money with their automation and transaction systems. Successful projects include cutting time to ship product from two days to two hours, and cutting downtime for product introduction by 40%. To get such consulting help for your firm, go to Her USA and UK business interests also include real estate, property management and a restaurant. Go to for her materials to help small businesses be more successful. Copyright 2009. This article may be reprinted only in its entirety, with full attribution.
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The First Step to a Successful Computer Project - Put Fashion in the Back Seat

The First Step to a Successful Computer Project - Put Fashion in the Back SeatBy []Bonnie Huval
To survive, your company needs a step-change improvement in its efficiency and productivity. Top management has decided upgrading the computer system is the ticket to that improvement--the company will scrimp elsewhere to fund it--and you are in charge of making it happen. The big boss says to bring in the latest and greatest.
Where should you start? By looking up reviews and ratings to find out which hardware and software are the best?
Sure, if you want an expensive failure. Maybe it will run, but it's likely to make everybody's lives miserable for years upon years instead of making the business run smoother.
Start by looking at the business. Determine what it needs to do--look hard, not just once over. Then look for the computer system best suited to helping accomplish it.
A Simple Example
Many years ago, when DOS was new and CP/M was popular, my mother's master's thesis required retyping a zillion times. My father decided to buy one of those new-fangled desktop computers so she could write her dissertation with a word processor. So far, so good.
But my parents thought they could take a short cut. During our next visit, they told me about this plan, then said, "So, which computer should we buy?"
I refused to name any. I told them to visit computer stores and "test drive" word processing programs. At the time, the programs worked very differently. Some used key combinations to embed formatting commands. Others used special syntax to distinguish formatting from text. My mother is a touch typist and had unusual word processing needs, so those differences would matter. When they found the program she liked best, then they should ask what machines could run it and buy one of those. My parents were... let's just say they were not happy with me.
I wouldn't budge, so they went to computer stores in the big city.
My mother's specialty is medieval British literature. Modern English does not have some of the alphabetic characters the language used to have. The missing characters are represented now by striking one modern letter and overstriking at a half-width offset with another modern letter. Back then, none of the word processing programs could do that. WordPerfect could be modified appropriately. Only two combinations of computer and printer were available that could run it.
They bought one and it did exactly what my mother needed.
Even Big Companies Can Do It Wrong
I have seen Fortune 500 companies make mistakes a lot like the one my parents escaped. The most common are:
Putting in a computer system to simply do everything the same way it was done before, with the new computer system involved wherever possible.Getting a computer system that a sales agent says will do everything they need, but that does not really fit, and then forcing the business to fit computer system.
Either mistake is costly. The first costs money to put in the new computer system, but misses the opportunity to make workflow more effective. It happens too easily because people who understand the flow of work in a business rarely understand what a computer could and could not handle. My mother did not realize overstriking with an offset of half a width might be almost impossible for word processors when it was easy on her typewriter.
The second mistake is worse. After costing money to buy the new system, the business has to distort its procedures to suit the convenience of a software vendor (typically at the expense of effectiveness). Productivity can actually decline!
Doing It Right for Your Business
You will not make these mistakes and others similar to them if you begin by getting a clear understanding of not just how your business is doing everything now, but what it really needs to do. Like my parents, you need to understand that thoroughly, not just at a surface level. Small details like the characters that are no longer part of English can be important.
Walk through what shop floor operators do to make your product, or what forklift drivers to do to load your trucks, or what agents do to start a new insurance policy for a customer--whatever your business does. Find the bottlenecks. Walk through revised versions of your business procedures until the new workflow is the way you want it and you know exactly what you want a computer system to do in that workflow.
Then, and only then, it is time to look at the hardware and software available, because at last you know what you want it to do. You are no longer an easy mark for a polished sales pitch. Instead, you will look at what the available systems can do with an eye toward how well that suits the ideal new workflow. You might find, as my parents did, that you have a choice between the latest and greatest, or something older with a solid track record that can do the same job at half the cost. Also like my parents, you might find that nothing on the market is a perfect match, but something you can buy "off the shelf" can be readily tailored to fit well enough without the need for entirely custom software.
Be driven by what your company really needs, not by the latest fashion, and your project can be a great success!
About the author: Bonnie D. Huval has been a consultant since 1992, helping companies make more money with their automation and transaction systems. Successful projects include cutting time to ship product from two days to two hours, and cutting downtime for product introduction by 40%. To get such consulting help for your firm, go to Her USA and UK business interests also include real estate, property management and a restaurant. Go to for her materials to help small businesses be more successful. Copyright 2009. This article may be reprinted only in its entirety, with full attribution.
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How to Repair Computers Profitably by Bundling-In Training

How to Repair Computers Profitably by Bundling-In TrainingBy []Joshua Feinberg

As someone learning how to repair computers profitably in the small business space, you need to know how to take relationships with your customers beyond one-time repairs.
Because long-term client relationships are what will bring you stable, on-going revenue and sustain your firm far into the future, you need to be prepared to help your clients understand the power of their computer network installations, so they can use them to their fullest.
One of the biggest potential obstacles that can prevent a client from really using your provided solutions is a lack of training. So be sure to discuss the idea of bundling-in training with your clients at the beginning of each relationship, so your firm can develop a customized training solution that will really help clients use the technology you introduce.

Not sure you want to handle the informal, ad-hoc, one-on-one training yourself? Then look for a partner or subcontractor that specializes in training to join your team. On the flip side, this same individual may be able to throw some your business your way as well.

In reality, small business end users rarely have the time or funds to take full-day or multi-day off-site computer training classes. As someone learning how to repair computers and make money doing it, you need to understand that you are many of your customers' and clients' only chance for formal training. So anything you can do, even in the form of informal one-on-one or small group sessions, will help them greatly and also bring you opportunity for additional revenue.

Your clients really need this training to get maximum value out of their technology investments and avoid buyer's remorse that will alienate them from calling you again for services. When you offer end-user training, you help entrench your company deeper into the account and also will see a dramatic reduction in frivolous help desk calls and repair requests.

Here are 4 simple ways you can add value to your computer repair services and make some very high-margin profit, by simply bundling-in training for your supported end users.
Teach Clients about the Network Logon. After you learn how to repair computers profitably in the small business space, don't by shy about sharing your newly-acquired knowledge. Teach each user about network log-on procedures. Also highlight any password requirements, such as case sensitivity or automatic password expiration. Remember, what seems intuitive for you probably isn't for others.

Explain Details about Printers. Review the location of shared network printers, usage restrictions and default assignments with your computer repair clients. Show how to change the default printer in the Printers folder and how to change the selection through the File, Print menu command.

Educate Clients about Malware and Virus Protection. Many computer repair specialists forget about the very important topic of malware and virus protection when they are figuring out how to repair computers for small business owners and establish long-term relationships. Warn users about opening unsolicited file attachments and make sure to discuss the huge risks of downloading or installing unauthorized software.

Teach Clients Proper Data Backup Habits. Point out where data files should be stored in pre-configured default folder paths for various software applications. Advise users on which drive letters and folders are included in nightly automated backup routines. One of the best ways to keep clients long term is to prevent catastrophic data loss. So make sure clients know how to back up important information. Better yet, make backing up as automatic and seamless as possible.In this article we discussed 4 easy ways that you can bundle-in training, so you can add value.

Learn more about how to repair computers for a living and get great, steady, high-paying clients now at
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