Friday, July 17, 2009

How to Protect Your Computer From Malware and Other Online Threats

How to Protect Your Computer From Malware and Other Online ThreatsBy []Paul Morton Langham
Spyware are computer software that collects information from your computer without your consent. The phrase spyware is often used interchangeably with adware and was first mentioned as far back as 1995 when the problem first started to arise. Adware, is software which displays advertisements to you on your PC screen. The two terms are collectively known as malware.
Personal information is obtained from you through a variety of means, like adware, spyware, key loggers, Trojans, active X configurations, scum ware, dialers, malware, parasites, toolbars, drive by download, tracking cookies, spyware registry keys , browser hijackers and BHO`s or by reading fields on your hard drive.
The spread of this malicious behavior - adware spyware - on the part of the few has led to the creation an entire industry which attempts to combat the practice. Adware spyware is a serious thing which can do you personally great damage and you should run software on your machine to guard against protect against possible invasions of your privacy and disruption to your PC.
Take this advice. Anyone, repeat anyone, who surfs the internet or has goes on-line is exposed to adware spyware -trust me you won't even realize that you are on most occasions - and should run some software on their PC to disinfect and protect against the issue. Check out the many available spyware protection resources available on my site.
What should a typical adware spyware protection free download be capable of doing?
The ultimate object of software is to locate, delete and remove all types of spyware. In essence, the objective is to cleanse and then protect your PC.
First and foremost your adware spyware software should be capable of running on a timed scheduler, or as a real-time blocking tool. Protection need sto cater for every eventuality so should include rollback and restore facilities and be capable of categorizing by severity the spyware or adware found on your machine.
If you find a product which does not deal with the above, then click on to the next one!
More functionality
These days any respectable company marketing adware spyware software on the internet should offer you an extensive FAQ, even an interactive knowledge base email and telephone support. If a company cannot offer you at least a good FAQ and email support then pass again.
The adware spyware threat and protect your PC in general from infiltration - how seriously should you take it?
A Spyware Protection survey carried out in 2004 by AOL they concluded that 80% of PC's contained some sort of adware spyware, more recently in 2006 Microsoft declared that over 90% of personal compters connected to the internet are infected with some sort of adware spyware, dialers or the like. This means that you need protection. if you don't get it, it will just be a matter of time before you suffer the consequences of an attack on your privacy and your own personal information.
How to spot Spyware?
Adware spyware, unlike a virus does not self replicate, you cannot send adware spyware to a friend or colleague via email. The methods of seeding the infiltrating vindictive spyware is normally surreptitiously downloaded from a web site you visit with out your knowledge. Protection software will block the downloading of malicious spyware in real time and keep your PC safe
Adware Spyware software - get it now with a free download.
If you or your children surf the internet or are on-line then your PC is at risk and you need Adware Spyware Protection. Even if you do not know whether or not your machine has been infected the chances are that it is. Do not be fooled into thinking Adware Spyware will not arrive on your PC it will and what's more you won't know that it is there. So do not delay any longer, get yourself a good and reliable package to clean up your PC and protect yourself on line.
Paul Langham runs a review website dedicated to the latest trends and approaches in combating Adware and Spyware.
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The Mobile Society and E-everything

The Mobile Society and E-everythingBy []EM Beck
Ongoing debates about cyberspace and e-commerce (EC) have suggested that the online world will somehow always be dramatically different from life in the analog world.
The advent of the early Arpanet/Internet was often characterized as a void that was impersonal and immaterial. It is true that as e-commerce continues to mature, national boarders become less meaningful, and the specific location of individuals and businesses do not matter that much anymore. It also is true that we are now seeing blogs, forums, discussion groups, social networks, and other influences emerging to re-socialize and form new e-tribal experiences on the Internet.
Technology is the great equalizer and almost always makes up for any lack and the supposed weakening of social structure. New technology always is eventually accepted and becomes an essential part of the fabric of society itself.
It seems that every day we are increasingly connected via interactive technologies - mobile phones, email, instant messaging - and these technologies are becoming more and more interconnected. Our society is transforming itself where the action of interaction is in itself mobile by its nature.
Even as we communicate on our cell phones, whether speaking, text messaging, or sending and receiving email or photos, we are also “mobile” in the sense that we can move freely while being in constant communication.
The issues of a mobile society, mobile computing, or other aspects of a ubiquitous society have often been deemed as sterile and seemingly lacking of the human element, a realm reserved only for savvy geeks, engineers and academics.
Accessibility to emerging technology has changed the notion that only technical elites or "wireless road warriors" can conduct business without a fixed base, operating from cell phones, PDAs, laptop computers, and wireless connections with little regard to traditional office essentials.
The reality is that “E-everything” is no longer a fad, nor even a trend, but now an important and accepted style of living and doing business both online and offline.
Michael Beck writes on marketing and business issues related to: Small Office & Home Office / Technology & Telecommunications / Product Reviews & Resources for The SOHO Online Professional. You can learn more by visiting these blogs: and
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